Message from Vice-Chairman of MBM-DALLAH
Mr. Sadaq Jalal

Modern Building Maintenance [MBM - UAE] a division of ETA - ASCON and Dallah [Saudi] one of the largest conglomerate in their respective regions has joined hands together 6 years back.Today Alhamdu Lillah we are a force to reckon with and one of the leading companies in the Integrated Waste Management in the region. MBM – Dallah acknowledges that the provision of Solid Waste Management Services creates an environmental impact to the surroundings in which we operate.We are responsible and equally committed towards minimizing these impacts by making continual improvements in our departmental and operational activities.
- Meet or exceed where applicable, all the Environmental Regulations and other basic requirements.
- Effectively Manage, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Programs.
- Effectively control discharges and emissions from Solid Waste Management Facilities.
- Instill environmental awareness through communication and education programs.
All of the above are made possible through effective cooperation, transparent communication and well supported Technical and Admin staffs.
Finally I am proud to say that the Best Efforts and Practices put in by all my colleagues and Employees made us the MARKET LEADER in the Integrated Waste Management Industry.