About Us
Since the inception of the company in the year 2005, the company has been involved in the various waste management projects such as
- Waste management and Cleaning Project in Abu Dhabi, Lot 2 (Abu Dhabi City & its surroundings and the western region)
- Waste management and Cleaning Project in Abu Dhabi, Lot 5 (Mussafah City & its surrounding)
- Operation and maintenance of garbage collection, of transfer station in Abu Dhabi
In early 2007 MBM Dallah has established Multi Link co. in the city of Abu Dhabi, which is a commercial alliance between M BM-Dallah and Stream (Malaysia),
This alliance has contributed in the project of establishing the infrastructure of automated waste collection systems in Abu Dhabi, such as
- Reem Island
- Al Raha Beach
In 2008 one more credential to the company was the award of seven years Solid Waste Collection & Transportation and Street Sweeping & Cleansing Services contract for the south zone of the Al Ain city.
The contract includes municipal solid waste, green waste collection & transportation, manual and mechanical sweeping of streets, pedestrian pathway cleaning, public restrooms cleaning and pedestrian underpass cleaning and also to perform any emergency or unscheduled services. To meet the expectations the company has purchased new compactors, heavy trucks, skip loaders, hook Loaders, pick up trucks, light motor vehicles, water tankers and variety of street sweeping machines.
Behind this massive achievement, there is a team of experts, engineers and well trained workforce, working day and night, according to the latest administrative system.
This also enabled us to obtain the internationally recognized certificates of quality and HSE standards such as.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001